Que Será, Será

Every night, I sing the song “Que Será, Será” to my son as part of his bedtime routine. Do you know that song? Doris Day sang it in one of her movies, and it is rooted in my childhood memories and, now, is deeply rooted in my son’s childhood and in my memories of his early life.

I remember my mother singing it to me when I was a “wee lass” (as I say to my pre-teen daughter which is promptly met with eye roll and smirk). The specifics around my mother singing it to me are hazy, like looking through layer upon layer of veils and gauzy drapes. Fuzzily, I see her in the kitchen, joyfully belting out, “Que será, será! Whatever will be, will be,” wearing a faded, threadbare apron, gliding between the dishwasher and the cabinets, very Mary Poppins-esque.

My son had some health challenges in his infanthood that left me raw and consumed by anxiety. I remember trying to rock him to sleep many, many rockings ago, and thinking to myself, “Calm down. You have to calm your energy so he can calm down to sleep.” At that moment, Que Será came back to me.

I don’t remember singing this song to my aforementioned older daughter. She, a completely contrasting and unique being altogether, got a different repertoire of lullabies. But, in that moment of trying to calm myself, Que Será started to come out. And I’ve sung it to him every sleep time since then, both nap and night.

The lyrics get me every time and bring me firmly into the present moment.

“Que será, será

Whatever will be, will be

The future’s not ours to see

Que será, será”

(Que Será, Será. Livingston & Evans. 1956.)

Fun Fact: This song won the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1957.

Is that not a beautiful sentiment? Every time I sing it, I’m reminded that this moment is all we have. The past is whatever it was, this moment is what we make it, and the future is unknown and will be whatever it will be. These lyrics also remind me of God, in that the future is His to see, His to know, His alone, and not mine. He’s already there, so I shouldn't worry about it.

This song has brought me much calm and peace since my return to it with my “wee lad” years ago. However, it is not without caveat…The verses of the song are a little problematic, right? It seems as though little children only want to know if their future holds beauty and wealth. Yikes. I think about this every time I sing the song and wonder, “Should I even be singing this to him? What kind of message is this sending? Am I embedding dangerous ideas into his psyche?!” But then, I remind myself that the sum of our teachings will raise him up, not one Doris Day song.

Music is a defining medium and profound influencer in my life. Part therapy, part expression, all love. Que Será, Será.

Other landmark songs from my life’s journey thus far:


  1. Mallory, you capture how deeply music impacts us so perfectly here. I love the image of your mother, her apron, the song floating in the memory and how you so sweetly bring it to the present with your son. Just beautiful.

  2. Your eclectic music taste makes me love you even more. I found it fascinating that the memory of your mom singing Que será, será, surfaced in such a subtle way. When you wrote the specifics were "hazy, like looking through layer upon layer of veils and gauzy drapes", it felt almost serendipitous. Your final thoughts are absolutely gorgeous.

    "Music is a defining medium and profound influencer in my life. Part therapy, part expression, all love."

  3. The second I read your title that song has been stuck in my head. I will be singing it for the next couple days because it's just that great of a song. Whatever will be...only God knows. Great post.

  4. How lucky your littles are that will have these same hazy yet comforting memories. I’m still reeling from the idea that you created individual playlists.

  5. How lucky your littles are that will have these same hazy yet comforting memories. I’m still reeling from the idea that you created individual playlists.


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