
Many times I’ve heard it said that the key to curtailing anxieties or worries is to shift your mind towards gratitude instead. Some people recommend starting your day in gratitude and naming what you are grateful for the moment you wake up and before your feet hit the floor. This method is meant to set the entire tone for your day so that you walk through life with a grateful heart and spirit.

I believe Oprah used to talk about writing in a gratitude journal at the end of every day and writing down three things for which you appreciate. I quite like this reflective action, possibly meant to soothe the mind to welcome peaceful sleep. The written record of gratitudes also appeals to me; in a particularly fraught moment, a skim through the journal might be useful in remembering the good and in quieting the mind.

Worries consume my thoughts today and most days, quite frankly. Therefore, I am trying to practice gratitude. I am very bad at remembering to do this, and instead usually perseverate in my anxieties and get myself all worked up in a tizzy. But, today, I am trying to remember to practice gratitude. Practice makes progress, and I’d like to progress towards a more joyful and less fearful life.

So today, instead of worrying over the possible side effects of my second Covid vaccine that may or may not befall me, I am trying to center around gratitude and be grateful for the opportunity to be vaccinated at all.

Instead of feeling grumpy that my husband will be out of town for work this week, I am trying to center around gratitude and be thankful that he has a job when so many others do not.

Today, and every day, I have lots of opportunities to practice gratitude. Remembering to look for them is my first step.


  1. I keep a prayer journal and add three gratitudes every morning. I think it helps me stay focused and appreciate life. I like your "instead of" approach.

  2. I like the saying: Practice makes progress. You are right, there is so much to be thankful for. I sometimes forget to look for those gratitudes also. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. I need your mantra, "Practice makes progress" tattooed on my heart. Glad you found moments to be thankful for in a day that could have been full of worry. A dear friend of mine reminded me this weekend that what we focus on is what we manifest. I found this bit of wisdom helpful, and I think it supports things like crafting a gratitude list or pausing long enough to name the things that went well throughout our day. Be well, friend.

  4. Flipping your focus to gratitude and joy is so much easier said than done. This post is a reminder that it takes work, and that’s why we call it practice.


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