Still in the Pleats

I went to New York City a few summers ago for work. My time there transformed me into a different person. My life has been impacted, both professionally and personally, every day since I returned home to Texas. It remains a sacred experience.

While there, Lucy Calkins told us a story about a woman. The woman said she was “too busy living the life of a wife and mother to unfold. It’s all still in the pleats.” 

It’s ALL. Still. In. The pleats.

This IS me. I AM that woman. Life is passing me by. I am surviving it, but I am not living it.

My stories are still in the pleats.

This is me unfolding.


  1. The word sacred stood out to me in your opening paragraph. Clearly, your time at Teachers College was an awakening of sorts. Isn't' it amazing how such small details linger in our minds? The picture Lucy painted of the woman who was too busy to unfold feels profound. The way you punctuated, "It's ALL. Still. In. The pleats" felt like such an intentional craft move. Thank you for allowing me a glimpse into your unfolding. Your writing is gorgeous.

  2. Such a powerful metaphor! Looking forward to reading as you unfurl this month.

  3. I'm so jealous of your time in New York! I can't wait to read more of the stories stuck in your pleats!


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