Lessons and Affirmations

Yesterday, I took my kids on a walk around the neighborhood after dinner; ‘twas a desperate attempt to kill time before commencing bedtime routines under the guise of “enjoying the nice weather.” Along the way, my daughter shared some profound wisdom with me, as she often does:

Daughter: You know what one of my favorite quotes from Sharon Creech is?

Me: No, I don’t know, and I can’t wait for you to tell me.

Daughter: “You can’t stop the birds of sadness from flying overhead, but you can stop them from nesting in your hair.” Isn’t that so true? I illustrated that quote in my sketchbook.


So true, indeed. This past year has been a constant battle to not let those birds of sadness nest in my hair. Some days I tossed my hair and shooed those birds away; some days I fluffed that nest to let those birds tuck in comfortably.

The past 31 days of this Slice of Life Challenge have been an exercise in routine and discipline. They also document my journey of discovery and rediscovery over the past year. Each post was something I learned for the first time or something I relearned and affirmed about myself during this pandemic year, all while those birds flew overhead.

March 2020-March 2021 was the hardest year of my life, thus far. (You know when people say things like, “This is making you stronger for the future.” What does that even mean? How is this supposed to be comforting? That means that even MORE awful things are going to happen to me in the future?! And THIS horrible experience is supposed to somehow prepare me for THAT and make it LESS bad?!?! Not helpful.)

This year has changed me in every way. Mentally, I have less. Less patience, less ability to cope with the everyday. Spiritually, I have less, jaded by the shocking behavior I’ve seen from humanity. Physically, I have more. More gray hair, more weight. What I also have more of is knowledge, wisdom, experiences, and perspective.

This pandemic year and beyond will continue to teach me about the world and myself. These are just a few of the lessons and affirmations revealed to me during this past year.

  • My stories are still in the pleats. I am still unfolding. There is still so much more to say.

  • Music is a defining and comforting influence in my life.

  • Dogs make my life better.

  • I need to pay attention to the things that stir my insides.

  • Being brave and resourceful leads to wonderfulness, like homemade cinnamon rolls.

  • Forgiveness is not a linear journey.

  • Fake flowers make me happy, dammit.

  • I am a highly sensitive person.

  • Sometimes, I am the calm, level-headed, un-panicked grownup in the room.

  • I can do hard things.

  • Rest must be valued and prioritized.

  • When you hit a wall, lean on it instead of trying to bulldoze it to the ground.

  • Connection requires intention.

  • Something to look forward to is good for the soul and spirit.

  • Staying curious is vital.

  • I remain deeply introverted.

  • Managing expectations is a wise practice and useful skill.

  • Nature is a balm for my anxiety.

  • I need to write myself a permission slip to feel my feelings.

  • Bosom friends and kindred spirits make life happier and richer.

  • Continue turning towards people and my curiosities. This yields marvelous results.

  • I can write poetry. (And I enjoy it.)

  • I can do anything but not everything.

  • Learning how to set boundaries is top on my to-figure-out list.

  • Writing helps me process and nurtures my weary soul.

  • Practicing gratitude will progress me towards a more joyful and less fearful life.

  • Self-compassion is the fingerprint of mental health. I am who I’m waiting for to take care of myself.

Thanks for joining my journey of lessons and affirmations. The act of writing and this community’s accepting embrace has helped keep those circling birds of sadness from nesting. Thanks for reading.


  1. I have enjoyed checking in on your blog this last month. I'm glad you took the challenge and were able to grow a bit through your blogging. Congratulations for making it to the end!

  2. I'm so glad I took a moment to read your final thoughts on this last day of March. The way you recapped the entire month in such an eloquent, yet succinct way was truly beautiful. I'm thankful you shared your unfolding with all of us. We are more fully human because of your writing. Can't wait to continue reading about your Vegan journey in the weeks ahead.

  3. What an amazing month of writing! Thank you for sharing your revelations.


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